E²SCALA Launch Coming Soon!

The Geohazards and Earthquake Engineering (GeoQuake) lab is a research lab in the Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering Department at NC State. They investigate how soils and rocks increase the damaging potential of earthquakes to civil infrastructure. GeoQuake also strives to advance education and outreach programs for women and Latin American students.

The underrepresentation of Latin American students in STEM programs remains a challenge, and the disproportionate effects of earthquakes in Latin American countries reveal the critical need for community alliances to connect and engage professionals and students in Latin America who have an interest in earthquake engineering and seismology. The Earthquake Engineering Seismology Community Alliance in Latin America, or E2SCALA for short, will provide global open access to educational resources, virtual mentorship, and collaboration opportunities to Latin American students in the US and at partner academic institutions in Latin America.

The site is still under development as of now, but it is coming along nicely!